Longtime Cable TV provider CASSCOMM has recently launched live streaming that includes their IPTV basic channel lineup and six premium channels, but without the need for a Set Top Box. CASSCOMM IPTV customers can now use their consumer devices like Amazon Fire and Roku. The CASSCOMM leadership team was fully on board with the concept of offering a video service that included live streaming as an added value to their IPTV service. CASSCOMM customers who have their television and fiber Internet subscription can take advantage of the App-based service at no extra charge.

Marketing and PR Director Casey French says CASSCOMM, headquartered in Virginia, IL, has been providing TV service to their customers in west central Illinois since the 1960s. Today CASSCOMM serves over seven thousand customers in over thirty communities, and exiting the video business has not been part of management team conversations. According to French, enhancing their video is something they have committed to doing and the goal is to get all of their video subscribers converted to IPTV using the Innovative Systems MG-TV solution. CASSCOMM like many video operators chose Innovative Systems based on positive feedback from other peers in the central US.
MLB Coverage of all Local Team Favorites
One reason CASSCOMM has been able to maintain a loyal customer base over all these years is because they carry the three popular MLB teams in their territory, the White Sox, Cubs, and Cardinals. French says being sensitive to the programming needs of the customer is key to reduce churn and maintain a core of loyal customers. This is further validated by the annual video and broadband study indicating the average rural video customer stays with the same provider three years or longer.