
The eLation Platform

We have raised the bar in features, performance, and automation with the next generation Billing and Operations support system.

A fully-integrated Billing and Operations software system with a comprehensive suite of tools for your Sales, CSRs, Technicians, and Management teams. From construction management and planning to network turn-up and support, our eLation software helps you keep your customers connected to the world.

Mapping and Staking

Next Generation Billing

Gone are the days of being saddled with a patchwork of archaic manual processes, clunky software, and glitchy integrations. The eLation Billing platform manages the day-to-day interactions of your CSRs, Technicians, Sales, and Management teams providing one source of truth for everything you need to know about the customer.

With automated Customer Record Keeping, Accounts Receivable, Service Orders, Pricing, and robust Billing, you will never look back.

Integrated Financials

No more fragmented reporting and ballooning costs due to managing multiple vendor point solutions. Your team will love eLation Financials with its tightly integrated General Ledger, Banking, Sales, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Inventory, Work Order, Asset Management, Payroll, HR and Company Stock workflows.

The best part about it, your teams can focus on what they were hired to do — keeping your business running smoothly.

GIS-Based Mapping and Staking

Recalibrating plans on paper maps are a thing of the past with our GIS mapping software solution. The eLation Mapping tool enables you to accurately chart your network to optimize for cost, materials, shared lines, and accuracy. With our simple and modern user interface you can build out your plan and see how costs change real-time based on where you choose to lay cable.

This enables you to build the best network design, in the most cost-efficient manner, so you can grow your business as seamlessly as possible. The best part, once you’ve finalized your design, you can import directly to eLation Billing so customer addresses populate automatically.

Automated Provisioning

With automated provisioning in eLation, you don’t need to hire a team of technical experts to manage customers on your growing network. Using the rules that you set upfront, CSRs, Field Techs, or other staff members can automatically provision your devices based on the parameters for each network element with just the click of a button. Our provisioning software is fully customized to your business’s specifications.

This means no more swivel chair data entry from your staff, and no more micromanaging customer upgrades for your technical teams, so they can focus on optimizing your network for the future. From the central office to the home, we have you covered.

Enhanced Cybersecurity and Storage

The Innovative Systems Hosted platform hosts and monitors eLation’s enterprise software platform. Customers have more time to focus on their business while security, software updates and storage is covered. eLation Hosted is completely managed and maintained by Innovative Systems.

Features include:

  • Enhanced cybersecurity
  • License management
  • Backups
  • Geographical redundancy
  • Upgrades

Mobile Apps

A diverse array of mobile apps enable your staff to get their job done on the go, whether they are a CSR working from home or a Technician in the field.


eLation billing offers Safe and Secure Payments to enable your customers to pay their bills online, no matter where they are, so they can stay connected to the world.


We partner with the world-class vendors you already use today to provide a seamless experience and connectivity across your business.


A powerful yet intuitive Power BI-based reporting suite offers real-time information at your fingertips, so you can make more informed business decisions.

Integration provides ease of use, operational efficiency, and long-term savings.

Ready to Learn More?

Learn about the benefits of using a modern Billing & Subscriber Management Platform to provide the Digital Subscriber Experience.