A national survey of over 400 rural Americans indicated on a one to ten scale that they have an overall satisfaction rating of 7.8 with their pay TV service provider.
The eighth annual study included questions to consumers who live in rural zip codes as they relate to their use of internet and video services. The satisfaction question was also broken down by the type of providers, Cable, Satellite, and Streamers who also subscribe to some type of live tv service.

This data was broken down demographically and it is surprising to note 18- 34 year olds who you would think would be the least satisfied, ranked their satisfaction nearly the same as those over the age of 55, 7.8 to 7.9 respectively. One would again point to an increased level of satisfaction due to the continued fragmentation of OTT streaming apps that are offered nationally, and reports that consumers are starting to feel app fatigue.

“American TV watchers are tired of having to find their favorite shows spread over a dozen different streaming services, and having to shell out hundreds of dollars a year when a streaming bundle was supposed to save them money. ”
Alex Kerai – Reviews.Org