We talk about and understand retransmission consent as an industry, but what about our consumers?
The American Television Alliance has been around for a while; if you haven’t checked out their website, it might be a good idea. The site lays out the facts in a way that squarely places the blame on the broadcasters as you can see here with this infographic.

More importantly, the ATVA points out that the governance for retransmission rules was adopted over thirty years ago. Even consumers can recognize how technology and options for accessing video have totally changed since then. They also offer an electronic form letter for consumers to fill out that will be sent to Congress.
Dear (Lawmaker)
I am a constituent and I watch broadcast television through my cable or satellite provider. I am writing to you because I am simply tired of broadcast blackouts.
Broadcasters are supposed to serve the public. They are supposed to be available to everyone. Yet they keep raising their prices for supposedly “free” programming, and that money comes out of my wallet. When they don’t get what they want, they black out their programming to viewers like me who have done nothing wrong. And they time these blackouts to do the most harm, like during football season.
Enough is enough. It’s time for Congress to modernize our television laws. End broadcaster blackouts now!
ATVA lists ACA Connects and the NTCA along with others as partners.